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Date(s) - 15/08/2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Dear Members,

Independence Day flag hoisting will be done by the Chairman, Durgapur Local Centre at 10:00 am at our Institution premises along with the staff members of IEI, Durgapur local Centre.

You are invited to join the Independence Day celebration Talk at 07:00 pm (15.08.2020, Saturday Evening) with your family members through jiomeet (web platform).  Celebration detail is attached here with and requested to circulate among your friends.

 Date: 15th August 2020 (Saturday)  Start Time: 7: 00PM IST

End Time:  8: 30PM IST


  Speaker: Er. M. Chandrasekhar ,General Manager, SAIL-DSP

Click or enter below Meeting ID to join meeting by entering the Password. 

Meeting ID: 771-743-3603  ,  Password: Afxh1

All members are requested to send their confirmation through e-mail: or by link: to office by 14/08/2020 by 06:00 pm.

  Thanking you with regards,

M K Biswal , Honorary Secretary, Durgapur Local Centre